During this time of COVID-19, our Worship Service is being held at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary at Grace. Pews have been marked off for social distancing. We are wearing masks. We are currently unable to provide childcare/Children’s Church. You might want to bring a “church bag” to keep your littles busy. We are a family, and it is a blessing to all be together during this time. We are hopeful that we will be able return to a normal schedule for children, students, and adults very soon.

If you are unable to join us in person, our worship service is available through our regular outlets. 

Spectrum (channel 1301) – Sunday, 8 PM and Friday, 9 PM

FTC (channel 26) – Sunday, 5 PM and Wednesday, 6 PM
Facebook Live – Sunday, 10 AM




The online link is now active and receiving tithes and gifts!